What Does It Mean To Surrender?

The element of surrender is missing from much of our discourse about personal growth and transformation. But what is surrender? Why does it have such significance? And how do we do it?

photo of a woman lying on rocks with the caption surrender across the foot of the page

Creation is a dance

Here’s my take. Creation is a dance. Creating your life (by that I mean being the author, the owner; being accountable) is a process that follows the laws of birth, Earth and growth. They don’t change, they’re not subject to you and they follow this pattern. Same as you’re not subject to anything: unless you choose to be. You are earth.

And the element I see missing in nearly every spiritual offering, every magical promise, every course in miracles is SURRENDER.

It’s the one thing we don’t want to do and yet it’s the one thing that will expand our lives beyond their current limits. Hell, there’s nothing wrong with it - so many people love that chasing and brief lightness when they find a class or course or guru that is the next best thing. I know I did, and I know many of my friends do. It’s fun! It’s light, like the fizz on champagne!

And there’s also something deeper, darker and more powerful lying beneath all of this. And you know, it’s your life, you get to choose. Me? I’m a nut for total freedom. I want to totally own my life. So how do you own instead of leasing?

“Life is not about learning lessons, it’s about experiencing everything we possibly can and becoming our true selves along the way”

Glenn-Douglas Haig

Choose to let go

You choose, something, anything. AND THEN YOU SURRENDER. YOU LET GO!!

And what is this surrender? Well…it looks like letting go, but it’s actually an active force. You are actively trusting that whatever you choose will bring you everything you require for your total growth and expansion. Why do we want anything? Because we would like to be more fulfilled, happier, have it all, be it all, be freer, be more connected, and any combination of these things and more.

And when you TRUST you are actually being the reality where what you desire is already there, it’s just a matter of time. It’s guaranteed. Exactly how it shows up is not our business, trusting that it is showing up is our business.

If you desire it, you already have it.

What if you could just trust your deep desires, choose them (with no point of view of the outcome), weather the storms that show up and then choose more? Knowing that when your foot steps down, the ground will be there to meet it. That a life that’s tailor made for you and your natural strengths, capacities and enthusiasms is standing right next to you. You only have to LET GO.

- Jessica, March 2023 -

The foundation of all my work is TRUE GRIT. What is it? Click HERE to find out more…

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Jessica Summers Hypnogenics

Hypnogenics™ combines the glorious energy you're being, with the energy we are being together. It has evolved from energetics, empathic coaching, and hypnotherapy. Read more about this transformative process HERE

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Thank you for being you! 
