Manifesting Your Dreams and Desires

What do you dream of manifesting in your life? Anything is possible. It requires awareness, commitment and accountability - and the faith to follow your heart. Then the world can be yours…

Dreaming of a New Beginning

Abstract image of person in a dreamlike sequence illustrating mainfesting dreams and desires

The endless sun and turmoil of Spring 2020 changed me. Or opened me. Deep within, a quantum shift towards manifesting my dream had begun. I saw plane trails across the sky whilst remaining landlocked in our garden, and I swore and I knew, without really knowing, that I would leave that country.

There are those who travel the world and have ease with exploring. And there are those - like me - who thrive when they can closely control their environment. And yet, in spite of this, I knew that I would leave everything behind.

Leaping towards the dream

At the same time the following year, I came downstairs on a sunny morning and said to my husband: it’s time. Put the house on the market. It really was that quick - that easy. By the 5th June we had a buyer. We hugged that secret to us like a new child, waiting for its maturity before we shared our plans with our parents. We were met by horror and disbelief when we told them we were leaving for Montenegro: a country we had never visited (barely even heard of) and knew not one word of the language. How would we live? What about Elona?

I had no answers but I have made following the energy more vital than thinking and risk assessment. I became ‘one of those people’. A crazy dreamer. Led by hopes and desires.

being a leader

leader of your own destiny

After we left, it took 3 long months before the house sold. We had no guarantees. We have had mind blowing experiences and unlooked for support since we came here. We have also had to make choices with a rapidity that has left me dizzy. And of course, we had to grow up and lead: we had to leave the nursery. Because this is what TRULY LIVING is… in the stream of life, your choices creating your life in a very direct way. If your aim in life is to be comfortable, safe and secure then you must slowly kill the wild miraculousness of you.

Knowing what to trust

Your thoughts, feelings and emotions will trick you every time; they will drive you towards peace. Your awareness: never. This is the place to invest. This is what to trust. And this is where I serve. Here is the space where dreams can manifest, where desires are free to exist. I know that you may not feel like the ‘kind of person’ who leads. Maybe you feel like the opposite for a lot of the time. But I also know that something drives you and won’t let you rest until you… what? What is it for you? Do you long to reach many people but you don’t know why? Do you long for the place where the different sides of you become one? Perhaps you search for the place where your external presence matches the sparkling vastness and complexity of your internal world - where you can express your being without barriers.

You are a leader when:

  • you lead your own life

  • you free yourself from programmes

  • you escape from expectations

  • you live with full accountability

Awareness is key to manifesting

Will it be easy? Sometimes, I promise. Will it demand your constant awareness, awakeness and presence? I can promise that, too. Do you need to be perfect, without doubt and dark days? Luckily, no.

You are an infinite being. As such you exist in your entirety beyond the doubts and the disconnection. Just like the sun and the sky behind the clouds - even at night they are there in their perfect entirety. Even if no one sees them shine.

- Jessica Summers, July 2020 -

Hypnogenics™ combines the glorious energy you're being, with the energy we are being together. It has evolved from energetics, empathic coaching, and hypnotherapy. Read more about this transformative process HERE

Jessica Summers Hypnogenics

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