What To Do When You Don’t Fit In

Let’s be honest - sometimes we feel like a freak! The black sheep, the lost soul… meanwhile everyone else is getting on with their lives, seemingly happy to follow the pack.

Being wrong

What do you do when you don’t fit it?

Within myself and within the hearts of those who come to work with me is a deep sense of being wrong and not fitting in anywhere. They often come to be fixed, operated upon: please, cut out the bits that cause me pain! Get out your scalpel and make me like everyone else! These are the wrong bits, those are the right bits, now get going!

Imagine their disappointment when I tell them there is not now, nor has there ever been, anything wrong with them.

Being agreeable

This world tells us that in order to create massive change in the world we must get as many people as possible to agree with our point of view, create a movement and push for change. We must fight for change, we must join a cause to prove our caring for this world and everyone in it. So we obligingly make ourselves fit in with whatever we have decided is best for this world and wonder why we are uncomfortable as we stand in a heap of dismembered parts of ourselves.

Being yourself

There is a photograph by Tom Stoddart of a woman in Bosnia during conflict. Every day she walks to work through sniper fire, wearing the best clothes she can find. She has hoarded pieces of make-up, eeking out each stub of lipstick and eye pencil. Her toes are pushing through the high heels she wears every day and her hair is painstakingly curled as she sashays through the flying bullets.

Witness this woman’s act of courage and expression of self-hood. Did she know that the whole world would eventually acknowledge this? That she was giving courage to each man, woman and child who saw her each day? That she would be publicly honoured in the years after the war? No. Did she worry that she was being frivolous when so many were dying?

I don’t know the answer to that, maybe - sometimes. Still she chose it, and enjoyed it. Simple.

So how can I ever cut out your wrong bits? And how can you ever ask? Those bits that don’t fit in might just save someone one day. They might just save the world.


If you’d like to know more, I talk about this in greater depth in another article: Triggers for Empaths

- Jessica Summers, January 2019 -

Jessica Summers Hypnogenics

Hypnogenics™ combines the glorious energy you're being, with the energy we are being together. It has evolved from energetics, empathic coaching, and hypnotherapy. Read more about this transformative process HERE

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Thank you for being you! 


- January 2019 -

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