What To Do When You Feel Stuck

How can we unblock ourselves when we reach a creative dead end? The pressure is mounting - and we feel like we are failing. The key to escape this gridlock lies in trusting, letting go and honouring yourself.

Feeling overwhelmed and creatively blocked?

Sometimes, we reach a point where it seems as if we are doomed to failure - in whatever area of our life. That we’ll never make it, that we haven’t got what it takes. That as soon as we create something and begin to build, we have lost touch with it and we’re onto the next thing. It feels like we can never finish anything.

The growing feeling of failure

Will we ever achieve all we want to? Why can’t we just follow steps and push through, like the normal world seems to do? Like we were taught in school to follow the rules - cause and effect - take action and put one foot in front of the other and we’ll find ourself at our goal. We will reach the target. Results aplenty.  Except we don’t. Get results I mean. Unless you count burn-out, and a growing sense of frustration and even shame. The feeling of failure becomes overwhelming.

Why can’t we just be like all those other people out there who seem to make it look so simple? 

It is actually simple for us. It is just different from what works for the rest of the world. And don’t worry, we’ll get to that. There is no need for you to continue in this spiral.

Stuck in a rut - and paddling madly

OK I admit it, I’ve fallen for this myself lately.
I’ve worked so hard to create the structure of my own business - website, mail, posts, quiz - that, almost without realising it, I was paddling in mid air. Like road runner off a cliff with nothing beneath him. Whatever I was working on had got tired of waiting for me to be present and had sodded off. Meanwhile, I was still hammering away, using force to push things into being. 

Then I began to seriously make myself wrong (and SERIOUSLY take myself seriously). Maybe I would never complete this opus. Perhaps I was dreaming that it had ever mattered. I searched in vain for the threads of my creation but no longer felt connected to it. None of it made sense, although I remembered that it had once been so clear. I found myself in a creative block, completely stuck.

Convinced that my muse had deserted me - that I lacked something - I turned to the places I used to. Clearings, magic, other people’s techniques.

Turning up the pressure

And what was the result? Increased pressure to prove that this wasn’t a problem - to make the connection show up. 

Now obviously, I know that this is not where the gold is. I’ve been at the game of consciousness long enough to know that when I’m experiencing these sensations I’ve gone too far. Something else is required of me. And I can tell you exactly what is required - but I’ll come back to that.

So yes. The length of time I’ve been ‘working on myself’. I did something clever here - you’ll love it! I made that the number one reason I was WRONG. Why, in fact, I needed to work on myself MORE. Because I shouldn’t experience these ‘problems’ anymore. I should be loftily above all this; sharing my conscious superiority with you lot! I make myself laugh sometimes! Frequently actually…

Feeling fake and hiding away

And that night, I went to sleep in my own bed AND woke up in it. Was it a coincidence that this is the first night in weeks my daughter has slept through?

I awoke at 6 and went for my usual walk. I chose firmly NOT to listen to anything as I walked but ‘just’ be present.

Stop when you are stuck

I listened to the dialogue in my head, I acknowledged I could well be a failure, and noticed that actually that didn’t matter so much in the grand scheme of things. The crickets would still sing in the dawn; the sun would still rise for that matter and actually my breath wouldn’t stop. And more possibilities would one day exist. And I was more aware and present than I have been for months.

I swam in the cool, clear sea at the end of my walk but instead of rushing back afterwards,  I decided to lie in the relatively weak sun and dry off. 

Looking in a new direction when you’re creatively blocked

Pressure is the enemy of creativity

Very often in life, we believe we need to do something, change something or solve a problem before we can have life on our terms. What if it is all much easier than that? What if you just need to look in a new direction? Regularly.  So I turned over on my towel and noticed that before me wasn’t just the sea I swam in every day, there was actually a world beneath the surface.

The same large camouflaged fish on the same rock, at the same time, every morning. Shoals of tiny silver and black striped fish seemingly playing amongst the rocks. And I wondered how similar we humans are. Were those fish aware of the world above them? What was the sun to them? Did they have awareness of seasons? 

Was there a world around us in fact that we were blissfully unaware of? How much do we assume and take for granted that is not in fact so?  

Pay attention, trust and let go

With my choice to pay attention - to forget about myself and my little problems, to be present and let go of obsessing in one particular direction - I trusted and was rewarded with a far greater awareness. And what is awareness? Well, for those fish it might be some revelation of a world outside their shady coolness. For me, it was that there is always more to discover and be revealed. This life is a constant miracle we use constant effort to ignore. 

How much energy do you put into maintaining life as a problem?

Action to take when you are stuck and overwhelmed

Did you know that letting go is an action?

As empaths, our struggles often include trying to fix things: ourselves; situations, other people… because obviously everything is all wrong!! The trouble is, we cannot change a situation unless we are willing to stop judging it and look at it as it really is - not how we would like it to be.

So, how do you choose something different and thus unblock yourself? How do you create space in your creative realms?


In my experience, empaths (me included here!) have an intolerance for sitting with things for any length of time. It’s just so incredibly uncomfortable in our bodies that we HAVE TO get this thing fixed or out of our systems; otherwise we spiral. Desperation overwhelms our whole body.

Well, what if it actually doesn’t have to be like this? What you’re trying so desperately to get away from is just an energy in your body that - if you can be present with it - can transform. If you’re interested in exploring this more, there’s a Hypnogenics energy mini-class I created called Change Anything. Does what it says on the tin. Or you might want to check out this YouTube video about managing uncomfortable feelings. 


What if this is not stuckness? What if it is in fact a process in the cycle of creativity. Look, I used to be a hypnobirther, and I’ve also given birth gloriously and it’s really taught me a thing or two about the creative process. Yes, the transition phase -  that time just before your creation is about to see the light of day when the words most likely to pass the mother’s lips are: I can’t do this or I give up. Please begin to explore: is this the transition phase you’re experiencing? For the only thing that works here by the way, please see the above bullet point : LET GO!

  • TRUST 

And you see you can’t let go without trust. What are you trusting? Trust that you are more than just your mind. Trust that, like our children and young people, our creations do not belong to us, and luckily do not rely on our control and effort to breathe. We also have a responsibility to give our kids space and belief. Can you do the same with what you’re creating in the world, whatever it is? I’m not just talking about what makes money here. And lastly - please can you trust you? Or at least begin to see the glory of you? You are already amazing and have already created your life so far. Stop judging.


This means letting go of your targets and aims. Letting go of results, in fact. Sorry to keep on with the child analogy - I know we don’t all have kids but we have all been kids. Everyone knows how it turns out when kids have pressure on them. Usually they stop doing whatever creates the pressure. I’ve had so many of them in my consulting room. Don’t do the same to your creations and you. So what if it’s never ‘successful’? BE YOU. A true artist does what they must, what enthuses and gives that sense of purpose. By the way, this is the only way that empaths or multidimensional beings (same thing by the way…just saying) will ever be successful. By doing what brings them joy. Then they will be TOO successful - but that’s the subject for another blog! So let go of results and gently begin to give yourself permission to do what brings you joy. It is sacred. You’re allowed. ESPECIALLY when you’re stuck.


There really is nothing more valuable in this life than presence and awareness. This is actually the only thing I ask for and work on (as much as I work on anything). If you have this then you have everything. 

Keep reading to see the message I got from everything around me when I chose to be present. It was SO simple and beautiful and such a gift. If you’d like to explore this more and see how you can transform even the most uncomfortable feelings of stuckness, then you might want to check out Episode 2 of The 29th Day Podcast.

The Importance of Space

There is a phenomenal energy / physical therapy called Zero Balancing. The way it works is it creates space between the joints - a fulcrum. And in those spaces the body begins to choose its own healing and, in a way, reset.

We are no different. 

As I gave myself up completely to the earth and to my family after my experience at the seashore, everything changed.

I became aware of the sound of cicadas as if they were reverberating through my body. I lazily watched the blossoms shivering delicately and vulnerably in the breeze. And the awareness came to me (as awarenesses do when they have the space to appear), that all the flower had to do was shine. To be utterly itself, to be as completely itself as it could be and wait and dazzle - NO EFFORT.

As I watched, this deep knowing was confirmed as a butterfly, powerless to resist, was drawn to the flower by its scent and beauty.

Here is that moment…


Creations are living and changing entities: whether it’s a song you’re writing; a new business; your role as a parent / friend / colleague; a business you’re dreaming of or a relationship. And they CHANGE. They require stillness and listening at these times of transition. Commitment to yourself requires you to be and do whatever it takes: even letting go.

Be totally yourself

I help empaths, perfectionists, impostor syndromees and multidimensional beings to show up in the world - imperfectly, vulnerably and to lead from that space. Without learning more, being more or getting “more perfect”. But instead by being that one thing that most of the world can’t be:  TOTALLY themselves.

Join the next round of the TRUE GRIT free 28 day challenge. Or access this gorgeous space-filled recording: CHANGE ANYTHING.

It is so much simpler than you have been told.

- Jessica Summers, August 2022 -

Jessica Summers Hypnogenics

Hypnogenics™ combines the glorious energy you're being, with the energy we are being together. It has evolved from energetics, empathic coaching, and hypnotherapy. Read more about this transformative process HERE

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Thank you for being you! 


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