Committing To Your Dreams

It’s not always easy to commit to our dreams. Sometimes we just want to hide away. But committing to yourself, and your desires, is one of the pillars of changing your story forever.

Girl holds crystal ball and see herself in it to represent committing to your dreams

feeling Torn in two

Committing to your dreams is hard. And it's heartbreaking at times - you have something that really matters to you (however deeply hidden), you have an urge to share it (and yourself) with the world, and yet you have an equal and opposing urge to stay small and hidden and to keep committing to doing the thing you're good at but isn't a true expression of you.

Even if you have already begun to explore your big dream, you know you're not fully committing to it and allowing yourself to be all you can be.

Hiding yourself and your desires

One of the reasons for this can be mistrust of yourself. How will you show up in your business or the world when sometimes you just feel like hiding again? The hiding seems to be outside your control and just happens every now and again and then you can't connect to your big dreams.

So you avoid committing in case... what? What is it for you? Feel free to explore this. For me, it was less of an actual thing I worried would happen and more like a physical boulder of energy that felt so fearful I couldn't get past it. You know what, when it came down to it, I just didn't believe I would be supported.

Truly commit to yourself

You know, the paradox is - until we are willing to truly commit to our BIG dreams - whether we are supported or not - then the support will never be there. Have you ever heard the phrase “Build and they will come” ?

Committing to your dreams is one of the pillars of changing your story forever. And you have to combine it with VULNERABILITY.

Are you ready to be vulnerable and trust that you will be safe?

We will talk more about the power of vulnerability soon.

Until then, with love, Jessica

- Jessica Summers, July 2022 -

Jessica Summers Hypnogenics

Hypnogenics™ combines the glorious energy you're being, with the energy we are being together. It has evolved from energetics, empathic coaching, and hypnotherapy. Read more about this transformative process HERE

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