Time Out - Unlocking Your Creativity

It often feels like there are not enough hours in a day, weeks in a year. So how can stopping - and doing nothing - be the answer? Surprisingly, taking time out can help us to be more fulfilled.

photo of a hand holding a key to represent unlocking your creativity

Switching off

Could taking time out be the key to unlocking your creativity? Doing nothing. How does that get the work done?

I have committed the cardinal sin: I have taken a break from all social media, all plans, all classes. Professional suicide? Not, it turns out. But we never truly know. And that’s the thing about innovation and creativity, we never truly know. Until we try.

So, much of what I do and write about is facilitating others to always BE the space of creativity. I know that it’s possible every minute of every day and have been prolifically creative for nearly a year now. What does that mean?

  • It means a constant flow of innovative ideas day and night.

  • It means knowing just who to talk to and when.

  • It means beautiful and generative people showing up in my life to support me and share their wealth of knowledge and experience

And the last six weeks? Radio silence. I felt no urge to share of myself on social media, no big plans, no new ideas. In fact many of the projects I had going on up to now seemed distant and disconnected. Can you see how easy it would have been to make myself wrong? Do you make yourself wrong when things don’t look the way you’ve decided they should?

Love unlocks your creativity

It’s worth mentioning that I haven’t done nothing. I’ve done what I love: attending courses, sitting eye to eye with my four year old daughter, watching films and realising I really had no choice but to enjoy it all. No judgement; bemusement, yes. A F**K it approach, knowing the universe has my back and that being a relaxed mom is what’s required here… but goddammitt… I’m a creativity coach!

Quoate that says what if knowing nothing is the easiest way to access everything?

Now six weeks on, as of a week ago all has shifted. I’m creating a new online course effortlessly: I can’t stop doing it/thinking about it and fine tuning it. New classes in a new city are seemingly demanded and my life feels as if it’s been thrown in the air and come down differently. How much of this would have been possible if I had stuck with judging myself? Time out really does help to shift those creative blocks.

What would you create?

And what about you? What are you judging right now that - if you would allow it to just be - would create an abundance of what you’ve been asking for?

- Jessica Summers, July 2022 -

Taking time out in nature can be key to unlocking our desires and creativity. In this short film, I explore the role that the wilderness plays in our lives. Why does it matter? Where is YOUR internal wilderness?

I filmed this on the slopes of Mount Orjen on the Montenegro - Croatia border. The wildness and peace gave birth to new realisations and processes.

Jessica Summers Hypnogenics

Hypnogenics™ combines the glorious energy you're being, with the energy we are being together. It has evolved from energetics, empathic coaching, and hypnotherapy. Read more about this transformative process HERE

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Thank you for being you! 


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