Each New Moment is a New Beginning

Endless possibilities open up if we greet each moment as a new beginning. We need to let go of controlling the outcome: Can you trust that it is safe to choose in each moment, and keep choosing again and again? This is how we step beyond expectations and into our own reality.

As I drove along in the car this morning, I was really struck by the knowledge that THIS moment - this particular moment - has never existed before. As if the road was being created beneath my wheels with every metre I drove. Nothing is certain; nothing is set. So why does it feel like it is?


Our expectations are what creates our life. If each moment is completely new, how can we have expectations? And yet we are hard-wired to create a hologram of the world before it has happened - and reality obligingly meets our expectations.

Ever tried proof-reading your own writing? The brain puts in the words and spellings it expects to see. The human brain has long been known to perceive things that aren't there—from phantom limbs to patterns in chaos.

If a piece of a picture is missing, the brain inserts the missing piece. Handy for balance. But we are not interested in balance here - we are interested in autonomy. We are not computers; we are feeling and breathing manifestations of the living Earth; like flowers.

“The beginning is always today.”

(Mary Shelley)


Another way of putting this is: what you make true is how you create your reality. Maybe you can see some possibilities here?

If you can greet every moment as new today, you may well become aware of tracks of energy, waving forward into the future. Telling you that there is a ‘right’ way to go about your day; a series of ‘right’ choices you can make to keep yourself on a ‘right’ track. Just imagine if you got on the wrong track! And of course that is what we are doing here - CHOOSING the wrong track to prove that it is all an illusion… the world is not flat, we will not fall off the edge.

“You can start anew at any given moment. Life is just the passage of time and it’s up to you to pass it as you please.”

(Charlotte Eriksson)

Today, be aware that if you choose in each moment as if it is new, and your choices don’t matter (which they don’t), you will inhabit a completely new reality by lunchtime.

- Jessica Summers, July 2023 -

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Jessica Summers Hypnogenics

Hypnogenics™ combines the glorious energy you're being, with the energy we are being together. It has evolved from energetics, empathic coaching, and hypnotherapy. Read more about this transformative process HERE

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