To Get Ahead, Give Up. Totally.

Sometimes, giving up is the best thing to do. Call it willing surrender. It feels like you will die, but you won’t. You’ll set yourself free.

Photo of a stone statue depicting a person submitting and surrendering in the arms of an angel

How is your week going so far? What are you struggling with this week? Maybe you’re always struggling with it.

Maybe you keep trying and twisting your brain around different ways of tackling it, or maybe you do the same two things: try and then give up when you fail again. That feels pretty disheartening - even shameful sometimes.

This week - I CHOSE to give up. 

Glenn-Douglas Haig (his work is just beautiful) quotes an African proverb that quite literally changed my life, and I’m inviting you to sit with it, too:

“She who bathes willingly in cold water doesn’t feel the cold”

When we are forced to give up and bury our heads in the sand through shame or fear we are utterly demoralised. However, when we choose it, something different happens.

This is the basis of my work; using the forces that seem to be against us to power us beyond the problems and into a greater life. But I’m going to give you a personal example:


Since September I have battled body pain, total body inflammation and fatigue. I'm not in the UK where I have alternative therapies, the NHS and a range of supplements. I was told in no uncertain terms by a Montenegrin doctor that if I didn’t eat a Keto diet then I would be diabetic soon. What?! Say what?!  So I dutifully followed this insanely strict diet and guess what? My symptoms improved - hurray! Fast forward to May, and I’m travelling across 5 different countries, living out of suitcases, hopping between co-working spaces and getting used to buying food that is labelled in cyrillics…


By the end of last week I was eating dreadfully - trying to stick to the diet, feeling miserable, eating a very limited range of foods and getting VERY STRESSED. I HAVE to eat this way. If I don’t, I’m harming myself, I’ve failed... I was repeatedly telling myself. I was struggling to sleep and the symptoms in my body worsened. I’ve really felt very concerned about the inexplicable pain lately. I’ve been researching medical tests in Turkey and generally obsessing.


So. I said ENOUGH! I decided to CHOOSE to give up for a week. And by that I mean totally. I wasn’t going to worry about the effect it was going to have on my body - even though I’d been told it was extremely detrimental. In fact, I wasn’t going to worry about my body at all. No beating myself up; I was going to enjoy myself, eat what I felt like eating, whatever it might be, and switch my busy brain OFF for a week.

And what do you think happened? My body stopped hurting and was no longer in pain. What felt like a serious injury in my hip has completely disappeared.

And the moral of this tale? Eat what you want? It doesn’t matter what you DO, it’s all in  the mind? No. 
I’m now happily looking forward to eating a healthy and low carb diet next week to support my body, even planning a trip or two to the gym and truly focusing on looking after myself. Why? Because I’m the one choosing it. I’m no longer caught between a rock and a hard place, I know it’s not life or death and that I have a choice (whatever my nervous system may have been telling me).

So this week I’m inviting you to stop TRYING and just CHOOSE with a whole heart whatever it is you’ve been in polarity with. It feels like you will die, but you won’t. You’ll set yourself free.


What have you been struggling with? And what can you choose, in order to give up totally with a whole heart? You will be amazed at what changes...

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- Jessica Summers, July 2023 -

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Jessica Summers Hypnogenics

Hypnogenics™ combines the glorious energy you're being, with the energy we are being together. It has evolved from energetics, empathic coaching, and hypnotherapy. Read more about this transformative process HERE

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