You Can Overcome Self Doubt

I know - you’re not sure you can trust yourself. Sometimes, you are amazing and you feel like you can really do this! Then the doubt rushes back in, and you’ve lost it again. I’m here to tell you: it’s OK. You’ve got this.

Abstract image of person in dream state as an illustration of overcoming self doubt

You are brilliant

Do you believe that you can overcome self doubt? Is it even possible? I know that it is. Why? Because I know that you are brilliant.

You know the thing about you? You want it all. And sometimes you know true greatness. Like kingfisher-flashes of divine inspiration it comes for a moment (or longer if you’re lucky), this precious feeling of being plugged in. Switched on. Iridescent and compelling. No effort, just brilliance and fulfillment. But then it’s gone. And you are overwhelmed by self doubt.

You’re not sure if that brilliance ever was you, not sure you can trust yourself. You say that you’ll wait until you’re back there before you can show up again. Then you start to fix ‘the problem’ in order to get back there.

How do I know this? Because it’s what I do. When I notice that I’m reading ten books to try and find ‘the answer’, when I spend my time thinking about ‘the problem’ with me, and if I could just ‘fix this’ then all will be well, then I know now to let go. It’s a bitter-sweet tasting polarity; a sort of creative heroin. 

And the ONLY thing to do here is to DO nothing.

To BE. To BE that overwhelming feeling that you’re nothing; that you don’t matter; that you’ll never make it. 

Can you be nothing?

When you’re willing to let go of your self-importance (that you have to MAKE everything happen); when you’re ready to be NOTHING; then you can be EVERYTHING. Because that divine flash was borrowed: from the Earth, from the Universe, from all that is and the wonder and the mystery - and it’s always there if you’re willing to be brave and let go of being such a ‘person’. You won’t disappear as you fear. You won’t die. 

Be an element of greatness, let go of control. Whatever you're experiencing, choosing, even suffering - don’t turn away from it. THIS IS YOUR LIFE.

This is how you overcome self doubt and trust in yourself.

I thank you for you. I’m grateful you’re here everyday, showing up with me on this planet, even when it hurts. Even when you can’t laugh at yourself because it all seems to matter so much.

I know you’re here with me and I’m truly thankful for you.

- Jessica Summers, May 2020 -

Jessica Summers Hypnogenics

Hypnogenics™ combines the glorious energy you're being, with the energy we are being together. It has evolved from energetics, empathic coaching, and hypnotherapy. Read more about this transformative process HERE

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