The Perfectionism Trap: Fear Of Failure

So-called “perfectionism” is at the heart of many creative blocks. We find ourselves so afraid to fail, or be imperfect, that we get lost in the detail - or simply never start at all.

Trapped by fear

What’s stopping you fulfilling your creativity? It’s the same thing that always stops you: doubt, fear, perfectionism, addiction to looking outside yourself for your answers. Addiction to busy-ness. Looking to experts, doing something, anything to avoid the feeling that you might fail at something you’ve given your all to. Some people call it the perfectionism trap.

I know these phases intimately. You’ll suddenly forget why you ever wanted a greater life in the first place. You’ll get distracted by the feelings inside that make you feel as if you’re falling behind.


In a word you’ll go into REACTION.

And what is reaction? It’s when you get that gut-wrenching fear feeling in your stomach and you’ll do anything to make it go away. You’ll sign up for the latest online course, (I have done that several times!), you’ll follow a system that makes you feel rubbish and you’ll give up because it’s bending you out of shape. But at least it feels better than sitting there sure you were going to fail. You’ll never get past the critical point that is actually a special space. That delicate moment when you’re just about give up… but instead you give in. That’s when you would fall into the completeness of you.

But when you go into reaction, it creates the perfect trap, holding you back from the brink.

Making a Choice

How do I know this? Because I’ve got to that point so many times and given in. Have I learned some new stuff? Yes, absolutely. Nothing is ever wasted. And at the end of the day, it’s all a choice to say: this is me. I’m doing it. I’m going to be everything I can be at all costs. I’m never going to give up.

I’ve always wanted to write a book: Make Money For Being Yourself, because that’s what we’d really like. But you see money isn’t really the thing that motivates us - it’s being fully ourselves and discovering who we are and what we can change in the world. But you can’t truly change that much without the money because you have to turn up to jobs you don’t like, and that gets you back into busy-ness. You’d love to be sharing of yourself to make the world a better place, to allow people to transform their lives but the trouble is you’re all wrong! And until you get yourself fixed - you can’t get started. 

marie curie perfection quote

Not what you think

You ARE wrong. But not the way you think. It’s that shameful sense of wrongness that is hiding the beauty, the dazzling unique creativity that you actually are. Most perfectionists think that they aren’t truly creative. Here’s some news for you: You’re the most creative creatures on the planet. You just don’t know it yet. We think that there are some special people who are born creative, original, courageous thinkers. That’s because they fit into the norm of what passes for creative in this reality. They fit the bill. You my friend do not. You have never fitted any bill, you never will. So that’s where you’re wrong. You’ll never get fixed, you’ll never be good enough, you’ll never be what you’re addicted to trying for.

Take the Leap

I’m inviting you to step off the gravy train. To exit the station altogether and explore the lush and wild countryside that is you. Escape the perfectionism trap and be free. And I’ll do it with you. That’s the thing. You’re always going to become familiar with the countryside when you’ve spent long enough in it. Then you’ll find yourself going round and round again. And the new land you chose becomes familiar. And you’ll do it all again. You’ll hop off again in  a new land, discover more of you and find deeper diamond and gold mines.

Does this sound uncomfortable? It would be if we keep using the same frame of reference for what uncomfortable actually is. Could it be exciting? Will you get better at jumping off trains? Will you eventually leap off in a frenzy of curiosity like the great explorers of the old? I hope so. And I would like to share your journey.

Do I know what I’m going to write about as I sit here? No. Am I scared? You bet! Jump off with me and let’s explore.

- Jessica Summers, May 2022 -

Jessica Summers Hypnogenics

Hypnogenics™ combines the glorious energy you're being, with the energy we are being together. It has evolved from energetics, empathic coaching, and hypnotherapy. Read more about this transformative process HERE

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