Can You Be Your Biggest Fan?

The world needs a new kind of leader. What if YOU are what the planet is asking for? Can you be brave enough to vote for you - now?

Step into your future

If we define ourselves less, and instead ask for the revealing of the secret folds of the systema that is this universe and beyond it, then we have some inkling of what we are capable of.

Be what you know is possible : TODAY! And have the balls to live from that future space.

Can you be your biggest fan and supporter even if no one else sees your brilliance?

What if you're what the world needs?

What if you're what the world is waiting for?

  • Do you consistently aim for less than you know you can?

  • Do you start things and stop just before it comes to sharing them?

  • Do you know that you have magical capacities but you're still doing things the hard way?

  • Maybe you put all your energies into your day job and tell yourself it's too hard to do what is the essence of you.

  • Perhaps you think no one will want what you have to offer...

I’m here to tell you that the world needs YOU!

It’s your curiosity that opens new ways of being for the planet

The world needs a new kind of leader - #multidimensionalbeings for a new world. And I want to find people out there who know something different! You know something - but life has been hard - everything you do is harder than it is for others. I'm here to show you the miracle you are and how to use your magical capacities in creating a better world.

Three times a year I run a 28 day challenge called True Grit. Working together as a group, we uncover what happens when we truly commit to ourselves. The challenge is free to join... what it will cost is your time and commitment to yourself, but you will be richly rewarded. A wonderful, magical alchemy occurs! It is quite unlike anything else. Please get in touch if you’d like to know more.

- Jessica Summers, October 2022 -

Jessica Summers Hypnogenics

Hypnogenics™ combines the glorious energy you're being, with the energy we are being together. It has evolved from energetics, empathic coaching, and hypnotherapy. Read more about this transformative process HERE

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THE PODCAST - The 29th Day:





#EntrepreneurMotivation #lawofattraction #toolsthatwork #lifehacks #manifestchange #impostersyndrome #Consciousness #WakingUp #Empathicleadership #Multidimensional #Hypnogenics #Lifepurpose #Trueself #Empathy #Transformation

Thank you for being you! 


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